Healthy Snacking

You make it through an extremely healthy breakfast. You feel pretty good about this because a good start is all you need for a solid day of eating healthy, right? Then comes the afternoon hunger. You did not pack any snacks because you did not know what to pack that was healthy that you would really wanna eat when the afternoon hunger craving strikes. When this happens your cravings are peeking and it becomes harder to say not. The key to a healthy effective diet is PREPARATION and PLANNING! The two p’s do not seem like the magical weight loss tool everyone was waiting for but if implemented into your weight loss program it will do wonders for your body and healthy lifestyle!

It is obvious that healthy meals are planned but what about healthy snacking? This also needs to be planned. Even planning the snacking step to a diet is hard. When I think snack I think “crackers, brownie, chips, ect” these are maybe not some of the best choices depending on what kinds of these food groups you are eating. Here are some snack ideas:

Hard boiled eggs
granular bar

Here are a few of the healthy snacking ideas from Women’s Health Magazine:
Starbucks tall skinny latte
Turkey Jerky
Dark Chocolate

Kate Morin also shares many healthy protein packed snacks in her blog: “31 Healthy and Portable High Protein Snacks“. Many of her snacks require preparation as there is more than one ingredient in them. I have tried a few of them and they are next to amazing!

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